Fees & Charges
single € 340
campaign € 440
rates are excl. VAT
single € 260
campaign € 360
rates are excl. VAT
Creative Belgium members get € 80 discount per entry WHICH IS APPLIED WHEN YOU CHECK OUT.
Freelance creatives and one-person shops are eligible for a reduction in their entry fee. The amount varies by category and number of entries.
For more info please contact awards@creativebelgium.be
Entries accepted after the official entry deadline will be charged an additional 5% from March 1st and 20% increase from March 15th.
All entry fees are payable at 21% VAT.
When you submit your entry you will receive a confirmation email with your entry forms and an invoice for your financial records.
Immediate payment is required. Entry fees are non refundable.
Bank Transfer
Creative Club of Belgium / Creative Belgium ASBL
Bank Account Number: BE28 2100 3594 5020
VAT Number: BE 423 445 976
Address: Sint Hubertusstraat 58+
2600 Antwerpen